60 days to get in shape

2 lbs a week.

That means you have to have a 7000 calorie differential between calories out and calories in to lose 2 lbs a week. The easiest way to do this is to consume 500 calories fewer and burn 500 calories more. Some days are easier than others.


What can I cut out?

What I was consuming Calories Stay or Go? New Total
Omlete 193 stay 193
Amy’s Paneer frozen entree 320 ok to stay 320
Afternoon snack: cookies 300 go 0
Afternoon snack: fruit smoothie 300 replace 300
Before dinner snack: chips and salsa 300 go 0
Spaghetti dinner 500 watch 400
White wine, 1/2 bottle 320 go 0
Chocolate chip cookies 320 go 0
Total 2553  1213